Concrete Vibration Recording Studio, @cvdigital a division of RR.Publishing
We know that to make great music, you need great surroundings — a combination of top-notch gear, comfortable work and lounge areas, a relaxing setting, and knowledgeable, capable staff who can work with artists of any level. A place without distractions, yet accessible, where development is encouraged and prices aren’t prohibitive, but quality is never sacrificed and clients are treated with respect.

- BEST NEW ARTIST: Iggy Azalea.
- BEST POP DUOBEST NEW ARTIST: Iggy Azalea. BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE: “Fancy” – Iggy Azalea Featuring Charli XCX – “Bang Bang” – Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj./GROUP PERFORMANCE: “Fancy” – Iggy Azalea Featuring Charli XCX – “Bang Bang” – Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj. ...
- BEST NEW ARTIST: Iggy Azalea. BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE: “Fancy” – Iggy Azalea Featuring Charli XCX – “Bang Bang” – Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj.
Need a Quality Sound?
We deliver Professional Services to Signed Artists and Independent Musicians.
And get a one recording hour for FREE*
Recording Studio
Concrete Vibration Recording Studio is located in Toronto Canada with 1 Control Room, 1 Live Room, and 1 Vocal Booth, Professionally designed and built Acoustic Treatment

CV Digital Music Releases
iTunes | Spotify | Digital Music Distribution | Indie Recording Artists Streaming on All Major Online Platforms
Audio Equipment
At Concrete Vibration Recording Studio we believe that having and providing the very best equipment is crucial so we also outsource Hi End Rentals Per budget
Digidesign C|24 control surface
24 channel strips, 16 inputs
Mackie Analog Mixing Console
Presonus Studio One
Pro Tools HDX
Logic Pro X
Softube All plugins
Soundtoys All plugins
Digidesign HD I/O (24 in, 16 out)
Lynx Aurora 16 (16 in, 16 out)
Studer B67 Tape Machine
(2” 16 Track or 1“ 8 Track)
Equator Q15 Active Speakers
Alesis M1 Active MK2
Yamaha NS-10M
KRK V-12 Sub
Dangerous Monitor ST Playback
Furman HDS6 Distribution System
Furman HR6 Remote Mixer (x2)
Alesis 3630 Dual Compressor
Aphex Aural Exciter
API 512c Preamp x2
API 550B EQ (x2)
Avalon 737 Channel
Chandler Germanium Preamps (x2)
Empirical Labs Distressor EL-8X (x2)
Lexicon PCM70
Lexicon PCM60
AKG c414b ULS (x2)
AKG c451b
Apex 460
Audio Technica 4050
Audio Technica 4060
Countryman DI (x2)
Electrovoice Cardinal
Oktava 012 (x2)
Radial DI
Russo Audio Tube w/ C12 capsule
Sennheiser e604 (x3)
Sennheiser MD421
Shure Beta 52
Shure Beta 58A
Shure Beta 98
Shure SM57 (x2)
Shure SM58
Telefunken RTF AK47
Latest News (Special Offers)
Concrete Vibration Recording Studio latest Service Deals
What the Reviews Say
Audio Engineering
At Concrete Vibration Recording Studio we believe that the calibre of your engineers, Players & producers are just as important as the quality of the studio you work with, so we partner/collaborate with the best worldwide.
Our Clients
- CV . Net . Radio
- Syd . Perry
- Sennid . Simon
- Mikey . Wild
- Clayton . Cooke
- Mr . A
- Squaddy . G
- Jah . Levi
- Di . Maestro
- Marlon
- Feekez
- Ancient . Warrior
- Zuberi . Abeo
- Zico . Natural
- Meeky . Melody
- Ricoshae . Big J
- Global
- Alton . Gibbs
- Ras . Oney
- Mr . Straight
- Blitz
- Tommy . Skunk
- Ras. Kano
- Decap . Walters
- Ibel . Campbell
- RR . Publishing
- Richie . Mac
- Morris . Brown
- Singderella
- Khalid
Select your session and book online instantly. If you have any questions,
you give us a call or email us.